Saturday, August 22, 2009

"I'm a feminist! Don't hold the door for me!"

The other day I went to a gas station store and a mean-looking, biker dude with tattoos held the door open for me. I said, "Thank you very much!" really enthusiastically, like this was the best thing that happened to me all week.

Normally I mumble a "thakana ehehe" that sort of sounds like "thank you". If it's a normal-looking person I just move my lips and look away.

Why was I so enthusiastic with this guy? I think it was because I thought he may attack me if I didn't say thank you. Also, I think I wanted to change his evil, tattooing biker ways. By saying "thank you" and treating him like a normal person, I'm encouraging him to become a normal, polite and not evil every day person.

I also wanted him to think highly of me. I wanted him to think, "That's a man who doesn't pre-judge my physical appearance! He says thank you to me just like he would any other person."

I wanted to be a hero.

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