Friday, October 2, 2009

Listening to traffic reports on the radio is totally useless.

When I first started commuting I listened avidly to the traffic reports on the radio. Now I don't bother.

They don't help. First, they're often wrong and way out dated. They will still report an accident that happened hours ago. (They often beg people for updates. "If you're in the area let us know what's going on!" I want to yell, "Where's your chopper? You tell me!"

Second, there are only a few alternate routes and they're so slow that it isn't any faster taking them - even if the radio reports an accident on your route.

Third, often they say, "It's super slow, there's an accident on this road." When you get there, it isn't slow at all. In other words, the radio exaggerates the problem. I guess this is related to point #1 - they're wrong.

Finally, 95% of the information is useless. They say stuff like, "Mary Hill bypass is busy and slow going." Okay... So what? It's like that all the time. That doesn't tell me anything new.

I've concluded that traffic reports are simply for the illusion of control. Sort of like weather reports and child birth training. Pretend that you know what you're doing so you feel better about the random, uncontrollable situation.

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