Thursday, July 23, 2009

Having a job really gets in the way of my playing guitar.

Since starting my new job I’ve noticed that I can’t play guitar as much. I haven’t learned as many news songs and I haven’t improved my playing style. Last year when I was unemployed, I had lots of time to play guitar.

I used to watch YouTube tutorial videos, learn guitar tabs and even order magazines and books about how to play the guitar. Now I don’t do any of that. Basically I come home from work, make dinner, clean up and go to bed.

How can I change this? I can’t bring my guitar to work because my boss would be displeased. Of course in the summer, when everyone’s on holidays, I’m often the only one in the office for the last 2 hours in the afternoon. I could bring my guitar in from my car and play at my desk.

But that wouldn’t really work either. You can see my desk from the glass front door. Anyone walking buy could see me playing guitar. I could play in the backroom beside the copier, but then my back would be facing the front door and someone could just walk in the office and I wouldn’t notice. Plus my acoustic guitar would be loud and likely heard by the other tenants.

It’s just not going to work.


  1. Are the posts going to get more interesting?

  2. Maybe if you didn't do this blog you'd have more time for the guitar.

  3. Naw, cause I do the blog at work.
