Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I watch other babies.

As the days get closer to the birth of my second child, I find myself watching other little babies. Just today I was watching a mother carry around her son at the library.

Yesterday I was watching a baby in a stroller.

I'm trying to remember what it's like to have a newborn. If I remember correctly, it's pretty easy. They don't do much except look around and sleep.

The hardest part is changing their diaper (which is pretty easy because their poop doesn't get bad until they start eating sold foods) and not sleeping at night (which is hard because you're so tired all the time).

Other than that, it's not too tough for the Dad. For the Mom feeding adds a whole new dimension of difficulty. I don't envy women.

I always feel a little creepy when I watch kids. Men are villanized as molesters so I get self-conscious about watching kids. Because I'm self conscious, I sort of secretly watch them, which I'm sure makes me look even creepier. Then, because I feel even creepier, I start to feel ashamed of myself.

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