Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A discussion about the 500 mile diet.

Last summer my sister was telling me about the 100 mile diet. You only eat things grown within 100 miles of your house. She said it’s good for the environment and benefits the local community and economy.

I asked her why I should spend more on food and suffer the inconvenience of not having oranges or certain fruits, so that local farmers could make more money? In other words, what’s in it for me?

We had a back and forth for awhile and then I was all motivated to post the ideas we discussed to this blog. Then I just didn't bother. I didn't feel like it.

Now one of my coworkers is telling me the same thing and I'm annoyed. She started aggressively telling me about this 100 mile diet, while I ignored her.

When she stopped talking I said. "You and I have a different mindset. I totally disagree with you."

Then she said, "Let's hear what you have to say!"

I said, "No, I'm not going to get into with you at work."

Then she went on for a few minutes about how she hates buying chicken at the supermarket and only buys organic eggs laid by free range hens.

I said, "I don't want to pay more money for inferior local food. No thanks."

She said, "It will only cost more until the infrastructure is built!"

I said a couple more things about liking eating oranges and melons in the winter. Then I turned away from her and stared at my computer. I could hear her still talking about it, all riled up.

At one point I glanced up and she was waving a banana at me.

Lesson: Don't argue with socialist co-workers about fad ideas. They'll wave a banana at you.

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