Sunday, March 21, 2010

Procrastination can be good.

The next time someone says you're procrastinating tell them no, you're "incubating". Apparently this is a real thing. Incubation. (I read it on the internet so it must be true.)

People who procrastinate might actually be "incubating" their idea. Their brain brain works behind the scenes to process, sort and organize whatever they're working on. Then when they actually start the project they do much better.

I've noticed this with writing. I'll have a pretty good idea for a story or novel and, instead of sitting down and writing it, I feel compelled to mull the story in my mind for a few days, weeks, months.

The trick is forcing yourself to stop the mulling. Stop the incubation when it's complete. If you don't stop the incubation, it will turn into procrastination.

I think we all have a window for the things we need to do. Depending on motivation, money, skill, luck and circumstance the window is either open for a long time or a short time.

If the window closes and we miss our opportunity, it's very difficult to open it again. So the trick is to never let that window close.

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