Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Toilet paper deflation.

Remember when double toilet paper rolls were so huge that you couldn't fit them on the roll? They were super fat.

Now they're not fat anymore. They're regular size.

The regular-sized toilet paper rolls, meanwhile, have become very tiny. They only have like 10 wipes.

This is called toilet paper deflation. And I'm proud to say that I made up that phrase myself. It also works with paper towels. There is paper towel deflation.

I think various food items are deflating as well. Those 100 calorie snack packs are examples of food deflation. You're paying more for individually wrapped food, less in quantity.

I think various fast food items are deflating in size. I remember the whopper and big mac seemed to be bigger when I was a kid.* Large fries were LARGE. Now large fries are regular-sized and if you want a large you have to order a SUPER-SIZED.

But back to the toilet paper: I like to read the label and read how many individual sheets come on each roll. Then I roughly look at price and try and figure out which toilet paper brand is cheaper, based on quantity and ply-level.

You know what? They're all about the same. There might be 10 cents to 30 cents difference between the packages.


*Note: Of course, I was smaller, so relativity-speaking, they were bigger. The quarter-pounder hamburger could not have changed sized.

PS: I also recently noticed this with garbage bags. You have to look for the largest sized bags - the "giant super-sized bags". If not, you'll end up paying for tiny, useless bags that can't physically hold any garbage

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