Tuesday, January 19, 2010

5 Random Things I Hate (part 4)

1) You call someone and then change your mind and hang up before leaving a message. I hate it when they phone you back and say, "Did you call my cell? What do you want?" Umm, I don't want anything. I changed my mind and ended the call. Now why are you wasting my time!! I didn't want to talk to you then and I don't want to talk to you now.

(Note: This happened today at work. I phoned a guy's cell and changed my mind and hung up. He phoned me back and said, "Yes?" I didn't say anything. He didn't say anything. There was a long awkward pause that stretched out... Finally I gave in and told him why I had aborted the call. Bastard!)

2) I hate that there is a website where users post pictures of their poop, and the other website users make comments on the various floaties. I hate that. No more explanation needed.

3) I hate small windows. I always want to look through them when I walk past. But, since they're small, I don't see much - just a glimpse. Then I want to stop and look into the window to see what's there. If the window was large or regular-sized, I'd have little desire to look closely in the window. I'd ignore it. Small windows, on the other hand, offer only a tantalizing glance.

4) I hate when people say, "The best revenge is to live well." NO! The best revenge is to actually get revenge. Living well isn't revenge - it's living well. The point of revenge is to severely punish that person for hurting you, and especially making them know it.

5) I hate that a few years ago I worked in offices that were inside a former NBA basketball training centre and the doorways and bathrooms were HUGE. I felt like a small child. And I hate that a few years later I work in offices located inside an elementary school and everything is tiny. Why can't I work in a place that fits my body size?!

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