Sunday, January 31, 2010

My commute went form one hour to ten minutes, and I'm still just as rushed in the morning.

Parkinson's Law states that work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion. I've noticed this for sure in the mornings when Jake and I get ready for work/school.

A month and a half ago my commute went from an hour plus to ten minutes. Meaning, I'd have an extra hour in the morning to get ready.

I'm just as rushed as I was before. Actually, not quite. I'm slightly more relaxed, but the difference is very slight. It doesn't feel like I have an extra hour.

Why? Because each task I do to get Jake ready stretches out until the hour is filled up.* This isn't intentional. It just happens.

Parkinson's Law applies everywhere, most interestingly at work. For example, these last two days at work I've had almost nothing to do. When I did get work it took me all day to do it.

I'm much more productive when I have lots to do and very little time to do it. I speed through my work and the days go by much, much faster.

* When you have a kid, there is no such thing as rushing. The more you try to rush, the slower you get. This is called "Kid Time". Estimate how long it would normally take you to do something, triple it, and that's Kid Time.

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