Friday, January 29, 2010

Stop caring.

Stop caring what other people think. Their opinions shouldn't matter to you. The only thing that should matter is your opinion of yourself. And even that shouldn't matter too much.

Stop going inside your own head. Stop thinking about all your problems; whether you're happy, whether you have enough money, whether you should be married, or have a good enough job. Just stop!

Don't analyze yourself. And don't analyze others. Don't judge yourself, and don't judge others unless you're perfect. Accept things as how they are because that is how they are. They aren't anyway else.

Whenever you think about yourself, you miss an opportunity to notice something around you, in the real world outside of your own head.

If someone criticizes you they are secretly mentioning their own flaw or insecurity.

Stop caring about what people think because they've already made up their mind about you, and it isn't worth the effort for you to change their mind. Most people don't change their mind anyway.

If you are concerned about what other people think, realize those other people are more concerned about themselves than you. In a few days they won't even remember that they disapproved of you.

A few decades after that, they will be dead and will have forgotten you entirely. A few decades after your death no one left on earth will remember you. So it really doesn't matter what another person thinks about you.


Except for your boss. He or she matters because they decide the course of your career and your income level.

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