Tuesday, February 23, 2010

We need more practical advice.

I was reading a book about communication skills in kids with Down Syndrome. I quickly gave up because the book offered no practical advice.

I think this is a problem with many books. They explain theory quite well, but they're short on actual advice.

I wanted a book to teach me specific communication techniques I could use with Jake. Or teach him to use with us.

Instead, the book talked about different kinds of communication, how kids move at different paces, the differences between a speech pathologist and blah blah blah. All boring crap.

Many, many books unfortunately are like this. They're mostly boring filler material. When they do have advice, it's simple, common sense stuff that you don't need a book to tell you.

Most magazine articles are like this as well. I get all excited about a "How to Fall Asleep" magazine article and quickly become disappointed when it's filled with banal suggestions, "Go to bed at the same time every night. Drink a glass of water. Don't drink caffeine after 6pm."

Right now my favourite books are written as courses that you work through step-by-step. I need a program to follow so I can improve.

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