Saturday, August 1, 2009

This was the most disgusting thing I've seen in my life.

Yesterday was garbage day. It's been hot here, mid 30s all week. I put the garbage out in the shed. The day before I could see some maggots through the garbage bag.

I thought, "What the hell. I'll let the garbage dudes deal with that."

So yesterday I'm taking the garbage out to the driveway.

The garbage bag rips open.

Maggots spill out over my arms and hands. I do the yelp and flinch thing. I knock more maggots onto my body. I brush them off and feel sick to my stomach. I had just eaten breakfast.

Now the garbage needs to be re-tied and there are maggots all over the bag. They're also squirming all over the driveway.

Eventually I tie the bag and go back into the house and wash my hands for 5 minutes. I decide to let the rest of the maggots die and dry up on the driveway. I almost puke.

That's it.