Monday, August 24, 2009

Which of my fictional serial killer characters is most creepy?

I want to write a fun, campy and extremely violent horror novel about a serial killer who kills people. Which of the three characters below is the most creepy/weird?

  1. Jack Paulson, in his 30s, skinny, a bit of a joker. He's a ventriloquist and has a puppet that looks exactly like him. But it's a puppet. When he kills people, he tortures them and brings out the dummy as the person is dying. Then he has weird conversations with the dummy, who takes on the personality, of an evil, wise-cracking version of Jack Paulson. Jack will be like, "Hey this guy's had enough, let's let him go." The guy will be tied to a chair with a knife stuck in his gut or something. The dummy will be like, "No, cut off his leg!" That kind of thing. The dummy always advocates a brutal, pain-filled death while Jack plays the good guy. The dummy always "wins" the argument.

  2. Billy "rockabye" Jean. Early 40s, chubby, fun-loving guy. He goes from town-to-town playing guitar shows for families. His thing is that he always "buys a new guitar" at every town he visits and part of his show is fooling around with the guitar as a sort of comedy routine. The kids love it. His songs are fun, catchy and have lots of audience interactivity. After each show he follow the least enthusiastic audience member home and bludgeons them to death with his guitar - shattering the strings etc.

  3. Duane Carlson. He's that shy kid from your high school who you kind of vaguely remember, but not really. Anyway, as an adult he's constructed all these fantasies about how he was abused by bullies in his school and so he goes around killing all his classmates, using his yearbook as a list. As they're dying they beg him for mercy - they don't remember him and apologize for ignoring him as a teenager. He says it's too late and tortures them to death. Just as they're about to expire, he asks them to sign his old yearbook (because no one signed it when he was in grade 12). So they sign it and just before they die they see the signatures of all the other people in their class who've signed his book and are now dead.

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