Saturday, August 15, 2009

Swimming lessons with Jake.

Jake has swimming lessons today but we're not going. Instead, we're going to our daycare picnic at the lake.

I did swimming lessons with Jake last Saturday for the first time. Usually Mom takes him. This time it was just Jake and I and the instructor. So we did a lot.

We sang a motorboat song and tried to get Jake to put his face in the water and blow bubbles. He blows, but not with his face in the water. We poured water on Jake's head and said it was a waterfall. We "made cookies" in the water.

Jake's favourite game was treasure hunting. The instructor put rings on the bottom of the pool then asked Jake to pick them up and put them in the bucket. Jake loves putting things inside other things (when the fridge is open he crawls over so that he can take things off the bottom shelf and puts them back).

Jake can also go on his back for 20 seconds or so. Before he always struggled. Now he goes really stiff and has a worried look on his face. He put his feet in his mouth and we tried to bend his legs back down and say "kick".

Overall, he loves it. He screams and shouts a lot because he's so excited. I always think the other parents are looking at us when he shouts, but Cindy says they don't. He also gets cold easy because he's so skinny. He shivers but doesn't appear to want out of the pool.

Afterwards he so exhausted he falls asleep in his car seat on the way home.

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