Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Biography of co-worker (part 2)

(cont. from part 1)

His Dad was a criminal who lived on a commune. One set of grandparents came from eastern Canada, and were involved in the "sex-trade".

He's often on the phone with bureaucrats trying to get copies of his family records - marriage certificates, addresses, etc. He posts this information on his blog, along with other interesting articles he writes.

Sometimes lawyers threaten him because he bashes companies on his blog. He says there's "tons of spy ware" on his blog so he can check to see who reads it. He often traces his reader's computes back to corporate head offices, where he thinks lawyers are reading his blog and strategizing how to sue him.

He's looking forward to going on employment insurance and "milking the system as much as I can".

Although he tell lots of crazy stories about his life, he claims that he's interested in my life because "middle class people from Ontario fascinate me."

He eats sugary food and says he's trying to quit sugar because of diabetes. Once I heard him say to a co-worker, "Be a hero and go to Tim Horton's for us." Whenever I go the gas station I buy him pop or Twinkies.

On weekends he's always doing something interesting: building a shed on an island, attending a film festival, sleeping in all day, playing Sims 3 and torturing the characters. I asked him how that went - playing Sims - and he said he ended up hating the game because you could not customize as much.

I once made the mistake of telling him I didn't have time to vote in the last provincial election. Now whenever the government does something bad he comes into my office and says, "See?? You should have voted!!"

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