Sunday, August 16, 2009

I have super powers when I drive.

I have two really cool driving superpowers. I don't use them all the time because I don't want to abuse my powers. Also, I always use my powers for good rather than evil.

1) The first power is called "Mega Move Over." Basically, I can force a car in the lane beside me to move over into my lane, ahead of me. As I'm driving I slowly let there be a big gap between me and the car in front of me. When the gap is big enough, I mentally say, "Mega move!" to the cars beside me. I say this over and over in my head. About 90% of the time a car in the lane beside me moves over into the huge gap that I've created!

2) The second power is called "Sneak forward." I can command a car behind me to move forward from a dead stop, at any time I want. What I do is this: At a red light I leave a pretty large gap between me and the car ahead. Then after I'm stopped for awhile I decide to take my foot off the break. I move forward by 2 or 3 meters. Then I look in the rear view mirror at the car behind and I command the driver to "Sneak forward". They always do. Sometimes even before I command them!

Having driving superpowers comes with immense responsibility. I'm basically controlling other people on the road. In one case I'm forcing them to change lanes. In the other, I'm forcing them to take their foot off the break and move forward.

Not everyone should have these powers because they can be a burden. In a way I feel almost cursed.

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