Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I’m constantly amazed that women actually like men.

Men are scummy, sleazy, creepy, violent. They have ugly genitals, don’t take care of themselves, die at an early age, act aggressively, have poor taste in clothes, treat their girlfriends and wives dismissively, are immature.

Today men are lazier then ever. They don’t go to school. They don’t contribute much to housework. They play videogames.

Most murders are men. Most thieves are men. Most dictators are men. Most spouse-abusers are men. Most drug addicts are men.

Men have body odour and stinky feet and bad breath and lots of hair.

I could go on.

Amazingly, women like men. They seek men. They want to be with men. I find this fascinating. I know it’s instinct, but still…

I asked my wife why women like men and she said it was only because men liked women.

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