Monday, March 8, 2010

The difference between the Democrats and Republicans.

I'm fascinated by American politics. I don't know why. I guess I enjoy the silliness of a fake two party system, that really is only one party.

Yes, I think that the democrats and the republicans are basically the same party. All their leaders basically do the same thing. Obama is no different. He's authorized massive war, believes in bailouts for corporations and wants to keep the health care system about the same as it is now (he backed off on the public option).

Any republican president would have done the same thing. None of this is very insightful. What I find fascinating is that the republicans and democrats pretend they're different. They have silly arguments about abortion and gay rights etc. They want and need us to talk about these differences because on all the big issues they're the same.

Example: government spending. Both parties say they want and believe in fiscal responsibility. The US debt is now $12.4 trillion. So if both parties are for fiscal responsibility why does the USA owe so much money.

Example: war. Every president starts or gets involved in a major war.

Example: economy. Both parties believe in bailing out wall street. George W. Bush did it and then Obama continued it. Senator McCain said he would have done it as well (although now he changed his mind).

Example: health care. Both parties want to fix it, but not enough to make it a "free" single payer system. Obama said he did, and even had a super majority to do it, but got cold feet and backed down in the end.

The last example brings up a good point: Each party says they want certain things, but when they get the chance - they fail to deliver. That's because they don't really want it. The republicans will always be one vote shy of overturning Roe v. Wade and the dems will always be stopped just short of passing whatever fancy social service they brag about for years.

Each party will blame each other and try to get more votes. That's the way it is. Politicians are elected to preserve the system, not change it.

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