Friday, March 12, 2010

Life advice from a 20 year old.

I was reading an online discussion about life and someone posted a long message about advice and wisdom, and the things they've learned in life. About halfway through the post they mentioned they were 24 years old.

I stopped reading. To be fair, I was basically only skimming the article anyway so I probably would have stopped in the next few seconds because I just wasn't interested.

As soon as I saw they were in their 20's, I automatically discounted everything they said. Remember when you were in your 20's? How wise were you back then?

I might take life advice from someone my age. Might. Especially if they've had a harder life than me and seemed to be coping well with the challenges. Someone in their 40s, I'd listen to. In their 50's and 60's, yes. 70s and up, surely.

While older people are the most qualified to offer advice, we rarely ask them. We equate old age with declining mental ability. So the people who can offer us the most wisdom and guidance, we ignore because we think they're no longer smart enough.

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