Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Dreams are not real.

Here's a passage in a spiritual book I recently read. The book is called Journey to self-realization: discovering the gifts of the soul by Paramahansa Yogananda.

"In your dreams, you can make yourself whatever you want to be, you can do whatever you want to do. Sometimes you are sick, and sometimes rich, and son on. Mind can do anything in that dream state. When you learn how to control your mind during the waking state, realizing that its power is part of the consciousness of God, you can similarly have complete mastery over the body. Mediation upon the soul is the method by which the mind can be made to work its wonders under your control. When you find your true Self, the soul, you shall see that the body is nothing but an emanation of God."

I chose this passage because it's the sort of typical thing we hear when we read spiritual books. First of all, I don't really understand his point.

Second, the mind cannot control the universe. Your thoughts have no effect on the outside world. People who think this are dualists and dualism has been dead in philosophy and science since Rene Descartes.

Third, your mind does not give you complete mastery over your body. In fact, we don't really even control our minds. That's an illusion. This leads me to my fourth point:

Four, if you think about it, you can't even control your dreams. Literally in your dreams at night, you have no control, freedom or self-will. You are simply a robot moving from one scene to another. You do silly things and behave in bizarre ways.

As for your day dreaming, these can be controlled. Slightly. For a few moments. But if you've ever tried to sustain a daydream for more than a minute you will realize it's almost impossible to keep your mind focused. You'll start thinking about other things.

So there.

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