Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Koreans are hardcore when it comes to schooling.

At the elementary school where I work we have a group of Koreans who come and take classes from about 3pm until 8pm. They're international students, sent away from their parents in Korea to learn English and experience our education system.

From 8am to 3pm they're in our school, then until 8pm they're in "Korean" school. They also go to school Saturdays.

These kids are young - 10 years old. Wow, that's hardcore. But apparently it's the norm in Korea. The children there apparently have 12 hour working days. After "regular" school, their parents send them to academies at night where they learn even more.

Apparently there's immense, cultural and parental pressure to succeed in school. If you don't get top marks, you don't get admittance to university or good jobs. Your station in life is directly correlated to your marks and your academic success.

I heard tests are mostly multiple-choice and there is very little teaching and promotion of creativity.

Nice to see our Korean overlords are building drones to one day rule over us and ensure we conform.

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