Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I'm trying a new driving experiment: smiling at people.

I noticed on the commute that at red lights I often look over at the car beside me. Somehow, at the same time, they look at me. (I think they see my head move out of the corner of their eye.)

Normally, I'm embarrassed for being "caught" looking at them, so I quickly look away. My face is in the perpetual driving scowl, which is so common on the roads.

No one ever smiles. Likewise, I never smile. This is going to change starting today! I'm going to document one full week of trying to smile at people who I see. Also, I'm going to give them a quick nod of my head, a quick "hello".

Here are the results:

Day 1: Tried catching the eyes of 3 people on the way to work. Not one of them looked back at me. One guy tail gated me, however, and I could see him motioning with his hand saying "cmon, move forward". That was silly because there was nowhere to go. I got angry and kept flashing my brakes at him. Bastard!

Day 2: Still no success. I looked over at one dude and he seemed to be staring over my head. Beady eyes, huge pick up truck, unshaven. I was immediately scared so I looked away.

Day 3: Noticed a lot of people listening to ipods in their cars. One guy passenger was listening to an ipod while his wife drove and had no ipod. A lot of fun in that household. Tried the smile at a gas station to someone who pulled up behind me, but I looked away before they could smile or frown back so I don't know the result. Maybe they didn't even see me.

Day 4: Hmmm, too tired today to make a strong effort. This is actually quite hard. Hard to remember to look at people and when I do, hard to remember to smile. I pulled up to one woman and kept staring over at her, hoping to catch her eye - as we were in a jam for awhile. I must have looked super freaky. The weird guy staring at her from the car in the next lane. She never even glanced in my direction.

Day 5: I looked over at some dude and couldn't tell if he was looking at me or not. He had huge sun glasses on. So I didn't smile. Didn't want to look like an idiot, smiling at nobody. That's it for the week. Overall, the experiment was a huge fail.

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