Sunday, September 6, 2009

Jake plays with a doll.

The daycare told us that Jake likes one of the dolls; so we went to Zellers and bought a huge baby doll. We tried to get the least ugly one because some of them were freaky.

We use the doll to "model" behaviours for Jake. For example, brushing his teeth is a bit of a struggle. We gave Jake the toothbrush and asked him to brush the "baby's" teeth. He seems to love it. We also get him to brush the baby's hair, but he just bashes the baby's head with brush.

We say, "be gentle", but that doesn't work too well. Sometimes he gets mixed up and brushes the baby's mouth with the hairbrush. Also, he'll often brush the baby's eyes and face instead of his teeth.

We also tell Jake that the baby's sleeping now. We lay it down and pull the blanket over it. Then he smiles and signs "sleep".

Soon we're going to start "feeding" the baby.