Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Jake tries to pick things up.

Jake's in a phase where he tries to pick up large objects and carry them. But since he can't walk, this is difficult. I have to hold him under his arms so that his hands are free to carry large toys. Then his little legs pump quickly as he tries to walk somewhere else with his toy.

I have no idea why he'd want to move a toy from one location to another location five feet away. A lot of times the toy is too heavy and he drops it on his foot or on the floor. He likes this. It makes a big sound and the toy does a couple flips. It amuses him.

He might remember to try and pick it up again, but more often then not he forgets that he was carrying it somewhere and sits down and continues playing with the toy.

In his crib, he will pick up his block and try to drop it over the side onto the floor. He manages to do this about 50% of the time. The other 50% of the time he drops the block or loses his grip. When he starts throwing or dropping his toys out of his crib, we know he wants out.

We encourage him to simply ask us.

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