Tuesday, November 10, 2009

4 Jake stories.

1) Jake can stand on his tippy toes and can reach tables and counters now. This means if he sees a toy on a table or counter he will stand up and try to reach it. The problem is he can lose grip as he reaches and the toy can fall on his head. So we have to be careful. He also likes to close doors and drawers, but hasn't figured out that he can get his fingers caught.

2) Jake knows what a zipper is. He will touch his jacket zipper, but can't really pull it down or up. The jacket is too slack. He also understands when we ask him to take off his bib. He'll grab it from around his neck and try to pull it off. He doesn't realize you need to undo the velcro around the neck first. Finally, he tends to place his shoes and socks on top of his feet when you ask him to put them on. And he places the shoe and sock on top of the foot that's already in the shoe and sock. I say, "No Jake, you put it on the other foot."

3) Jake will now walk to where you ask him to go - if you're holding his hand (and apply gentle guiding when he gets distracted). For example, I can now say, "Jake let's go have dinner. Let's walk to your chair." I'll hold his hand and he'll stand up and walk over to his chair. Or I'll say, "Let's go see Mommy on the bed." Then I'll hold his hand as he walks down the hall to our bedroom. We have to keep the other doors closed, however, or he cold forget where he's going, get distracted and veer inside another room.

4) If you lie down on the floor on your back. Jake will crawl over, position himself behind your head, and then try to pull you up to a sitting position by your hair. He says "Up up up up!" over and over again as he does that, yanking on your hair. Apparently he doesn't like it when you lie down.

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