Friday, November 13, 2009

This is the song I want to write.

I want to write an awesome, epic song at least 6 minutes long. It's got to have a whole bunch of different parts - some slow, some fast, and the tempo has to change at least once.

It needs to have a great guitar riff - preferable acoustic, mixed with electric. The acoustic needs to be throughout the song as a driving rhythm, and the strings need to be slapped at every other beat like a snare drum.

The electric has to blend with the acoustic, at a higher octave so that it's sort of screamy. The riff will have a couple variations - a long variation and a short variation. The short one is a choppier, truncated version of the long one. It starts a certain way, moves in another direction, then ends in the same way it started.

Similarly, the song will be like this as well - a palindrome of itself.

The main melody will be different from the riff, yet they'll complement each other. Likewise, there will be a few different melodies but they will all sound similar. One melody will pop up expectantly, then give way to a different melody in a unpredictable pattern.

The chord progression will be a little strange - perhaps even a bit atonal at first. It will create a whole bunch of unresolved tension.

I'd like the song to be minimalist in terms of instrumentation. Only 3 instruments or fewer at a time, along with the vocals. The song needs to be dreamy like a lullaby, then swingy and jazzy and dancey, with elements of boogie blues within the riff.

The lyrics need to be nonsensical yet beautiful. Beautiful nonsense. I'd also like the song to have a couple false endings.

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