Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Nothing has improved in the last 10 years.

I just read an article about the economy in the States. It's about the same as it was 10 years ago.

Over the past 10 years, not one new job has been created in the private sector (but the population has grown 8%). The stock market is at about the same level, despite the government pouring billions of your tax dollars into it.

In other words, all the work that's been done in the last 10 years hasn't made anyone more prosperous. How many weekends have you worked in the last 10 years? How much stress did you have?

How many days did you show up sick because you had to get that project done? How much sleep did you lose?

All for nothing. We're at the same level as we were a decade ago. This decade has essentially been a waste. We might as well have taken the last 10 years off.

Of course you might argue that your business made small improvements in efficiency or service. You might argue that products are a little better nowadays. But the point is, you're not any richer.

The country isn't any better off in an economic sense. This means that we've all been running on the treadmill, just to maintain.

We're covered in sweat, our hearts are pounding, our legs are sore. And we haven't gone anywhere. We're huffing and puffing just to stay in the sample place.

Maybe the tens will be a better decade.