Sunday, November 1, 2009

A can of soda costs $2.99.

How did we ever get to the point where a can of soda pop costs $2.99? I'm talking about those "energy drinks" - Rockstar, Redbull and the like.

Whoever came up with that marketing idea was brilliant.

"Hey, we're not making enough money selling carbonated water and sugar, so let's throw some caffeine and ginseng in there, and quadruple the price."

Brilliant! And even more so because young people buy energy drinks. They're cool. And marketers' prime demographic are males 18 to 35.

I've only drank one of those energy drinks in my life. Don't get me wrong, it tasted good. Great, even. Better than Coke or Pepsi or Dr. Pepper.

But excessive caffeine isn't good for your body. And excessive cost isn't good for your wallet. So I doubt I will drink them again. I'm just too old.

If I want an energy kick I'll spend $2.99 on a Starbucks coffee.

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