Friday, November 27, 2009

Our 12 week ultrasound.

On November 18, Cindy and I went for a 12 week ultrasound where they would do a bunch of preliminary tests to see if the baby has down syndrome.

First, they checked his face. The doctor said there was a "nose bone", which apparently is a good sign the baby is healthy. Apparently babies with down syndrome often don't have a nose bone.

Then he checked blood flow for a vein leading to the heart. Normal flow. Another good sign. Babies with down syndrome often have holes in their heart (as we know only too well...).

Then he checked growth. Normal size. Good.

Then he checked fluid behind the neck. Normal amount of fluid. Babies with down syndrome seem to have lots of fluid back there.

All these are good signs and we were pleased. He gave Cindy some blood tests and then a batch for some more and then, apparently, when they analyze the results they will let us know with 95% certainty whether the baby has down syndrome.

Meanwhile, it was a fun day. I could see the baby clearly. At one point it waved it's hand at me when I was talking to it. It fell asleep and wasn't moving and we were all waiting for it. The doctor came over and started jiggling the womb, trying to wake it up so he could see better.

Good times.

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