Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Watch for these Christmas cliche stories. (part 1)

Every Christmas season I've noticed the same stories in the media. See how many of these you come across this year.

1) The Heartless Thief Steals From Local Charity, Food Bank or Not For Profit.
This is the obligatory story of thieves stealing toys for kids or something. You hear about it every year.

2) Holiday Advice.
I'm sick of these pathetic stories. How to Survive Your Work Party. How to Keep off the Weight This Christmas. How to blah blah blah. They're all the same re-cycled, filler news stories from years past.

3) Latest Website for Tracking Santa
Guess what? There's a website that tracks Santa and you can watch his progress!! Give me a break. There are a ton of these websites and they're all hokey and fake. Every year I hear about a new way to track Santa.

4) Outrageous Story about Banning the Word "Christmas".
Every year we have the story raging about how you're not allowed to say Christmas anymore. Or something similar. This is so old. I was mad about this last year, the year before and the year before that. I don't want to hear about it again.

5) Lots of Snow / No Snow Expected
Because of this current El Nino-kind-of weather system, we're going to have a very very snowy Christmas. Or, in fact, we're going to have a dry, snowless Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. What do you mean the web sites tracking Santa are hokey and fake? That can't be true.
