Sunday, April 25, 2010

Act your age!

There are a few things you can you say guaranteed to make people mad. One of them is "Relax!" or "Calm down!" Another one is "Act your age!".

Speaking of this, I'm flipped through How not to act old : 185 ways to pass for phat, sick, hot, dope, awesome, or at least not totally lame by Pamela Redmond Satran.

The book is mildly interesting for about 5 seconds. It might make a good gag gift for someone's birthday if you want to tease them about age.

But reading a whole book about the topic? Pages and pages about it? Naw. It might be worth a 300 word article in a magazine. A whole goddamn book??

I do agree with one part. It says "Don't act like the mommy" at work. In other words, don't buy donuts for people or buy birthday cards or organize good bye lunches. Don't do any of that crap.

It's what old people do. Don't nanny.

Now for my opinion: When you do things like this at work it also lowers everyone's professional opinion of you. I'd say you lower your chances of getting a promotion if you're always cleaning people's dishes in the kitchen or working on a social committee.

Why? Because leaders never work on the social committee. They never buy cards for anyone or order birthday cakes. They don't care. They're leaders. That work is for the receptionists or the HR people.

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