Thursday, April 8, 2010

I had a job interview 2 days ago.

It went pretty well. I had read in Richard Wiseman's new book, 59 Seconds, that the scientific studies about job interviews shows they're not really about qualifications. It's about social comfort.

If you ingratiate yourself to the interviewer you have a good chance of getting the job. So I tried a new strategy. Think of the interview as 25% social. I had a couple of social stories rehearsed - one about driving, one about hay fever and one about coffee.

I used 2 out of 3.

Turns out the manager was also a laid-back, social guy who said, "I'm not into the whole job interview thing." Our interview was basically like a conversation between two people. He was on "holiday mode" because, well, he was on holidays.

He had come in to work just for the interviews. He said he was interviewing 3 candidates, one internal. That worried me a little - an internal candidate. But he said she annoyed him with an email so I might be okay.

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