Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Some food items that have improved remarkably.

Remember how gross frozen pizza used to be? I remember cooking it in university. It was a round, rubbery disk of fake cheese and stale tomato sauce. It tasted nothing like a pizza.

Instant popcorn used to be pretty gross. I'm thinking of that popcorn you held over the stove element. It would burn and half the kernels wouldn't pop. Then microwave popcorn came along and it's just awesome.

Airplane food used to be nasty. Then the airplanes started hiring chefs to prepare menus and the food became good. Impressive, actually.

TV dinners used to be gross. Now there are a whole bunch of Lean Cuisine frozen meals - from lasagna to stir fry. Very tasty.

When I was a kid, Doritos chips used to be pretty gross. Then they came out with Cool Ranch and a whole bunch of exotic flavours. Now Doritos are awesome.

Diet cola used to be awful. You could barely bring diet Coke and Pepsi to your lips. The aspartame taste was horrendous. Now a days, diet soda tastes almost the same as regular soda. They've really improved it.

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