Saturday, December 12, 2009

People in our town are beginning to recognize us.

People in our town are beginning to know us - or more specifically Jake. They will come up to us and talk and we don't know who they are.

Sometimes they get excited when they see Jake walking or doing some new skill. "Oh look at that!" they will shout. This happened at a toy store recently. The woman apparently knew who Jake was, and he had been taking a couple steps.

If we go to a restaurant (which is rare), the server will talk to us like she knows us. "I remember when you came in here last year with him." You do?

It's sort of weird, but kind of cool. I guess it's sort of what a celebrity feels like on a much smaller scale.

Also, all the other daycare parents know Jake. We only know a couple of the other parents, and I barely know any of the other kids.

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