Sunday, December 27, 2009

The world is going to end in 2012.

Apparently they're saying the world is going to end in 2012. The 5,000 year Mayan calender apparently starts a new cycle in 2012.

I look forward to the apocalypse. It would be kind of fun living through the destruction of mankind and the planet earth, as long as there wasn't much pain involved.

I picked up 2012 : the return of Quetzalcoatl by Daniel Pinchbeck. His idea is that the world won't end, but that there will be a transformation of consciousness that will lead to a new inventions, discoveries and paradigm shifts.

I got all this from the first 5 pages or so. The book is huge and I won't be reading it. It seems a little self-indulgent and long winded to me. Hundreds and hundreds of pages to describe what I just said in a couple sentences...

I'm not sure what evidence he's presenting, but of course it would be all soft, untestable, sociological arguments or speculations. There's no way any one could predict what will happen in 2012, if anything.

And that's the problem with books like these. They're pointless because nothing will happen in 2012. It will be a year just like any other.

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